Wednesday, May 25, 2011

APS BOE Approves Vista PEAK Innovation Status

May 25, 2011

APS BOE Approves Vista PEAK Innovation Status

On May 24, the APS Board of Education voted to approve Innovation Status for the Vista PEAK P-20 campus.

Rich Patterson, Director of P-20 Campus Development, explained to the BOE the reason for applying for Innovation Status. “First and foremost, our belief in innovation comes from our commitment to enhancing P-20 learning opportunities for our students. This has been an exciting year for Vista PEAK. However, within the first months of opening, our staff and district leadership soon realized that certain policies and requirements that work for traditional schools pose significant challenges for a truly aligned P-20 Educational Campus system.”

Vista PEAK staff explored the ways in which SB 130, the Innovations School Act, could enhance student learning in a P-20 context.  They identified specific Board of Education policies, parts of the AEA Master Agreement and district procedures that were impeding true innovation and P-20 alignment. In February 2011, Vista PEAK staff developed the Innovation Application and Annual Work Agreement.

"The autonomies and freedoms outlined in the Vista PEAK Innovation application allow the school more control of the master schedule, the school day and school year, curriculum, professional learning, budgeting, hiring and personnel," said Patterson.

Achieving Innovation Status also allows Vista PEAK staff to fullfill the promises to Aurora voters when they passed the APS Bond and Mill Levy in 2008:

  • To offer an exciting, innovative educational venture that meets the goals of the VISTA 2010 and VISTA 2015 strategic plans, SB 212-CAP4K and the Colorado Department of Education's Forward Thinking plan
  • To create the Vista Peak P-20 campus as a cutting-edge model of innovation in public education

"Vista PEAK’s application for Innovation Status has met or exceeded all SB -130 requirements, including showing a strong level of support from licensed staff, classified staff, parents, students, administrators, the Vista PEAK PTA and Accountability Committee, and numerous community partners," added Patterson. "Compared to the other Colorado Innovative School applications, the Vista PEAK proposal has three times as much support from stakeholders."




Friday, May 20, 2011

APS Board of Education Executive Session

May 20, 2011

WHAT: APS BOE Executive Session
WHEN: May 24, 2011
WHERE: 1085 Peoria Street, Aurora, CO 80011

APS Board of Education Executive Session

The Aurora Public Schools Board of Education is expected to recess into executive session on Tuesday, May 24 under the authority of C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b), to receive legal advice.

This session will take place from 5-6 p.m. in Conference Room A of Educational Services Center 4, located at 1085 Peoria Street, Aurora 80011.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Superintendent John L. Barry on Commissioner’s position

Aurora Public Schools

May 2, 2011

WHAT: Superintendent John L. Barry on Commissioner’s position

Superintendent John L. Barry on Commissioner’s position

The State Board of Education has selected Robert Hammond to be the next Colorado Commissioner of Education.  I would like to offer my congratulations to our new Commissioner.  I offer him my full support.

I look forward to continuing as the Superintendent of Aurora Public Schools.   Over the past five years, we have laid the groundwork for transforming our school district with our strategic plans.  I remain committed to implementing VISTA 2015 in order to accelerate student achievement and close the achievement gaps.

I am continually amazed by the talent and dedication of Aurora Public Schools staff members and all they do for students.  We are fortunate to work with dynamic and diverse students, parents and community partners.

I thank the Aurora Public Schools Board of Education members for their continued support.

John L. Barry, Superintendent
Aurora Public Schools


APS Board of Education Executive Session CANCELED

Aurora Public Schools

May 3, 2011

APS Board of Education Executive Session CANCELED

The Aurora Public Schools Board of Education executive session on Tuesday, May 3 after the regular board meeting has been canceled.
