Saturday, April 23, 2011

APS Board of Education Statement: Superintendent Barry Named Finalist

Aurora Public Schools

April 22, 2011

APS Board of Education Statement: Superintendent Barry Named Finalist

It is an honor that Aurora Public Schools Superintendent John L. Barry has been chosen as a finalist for the Colorado Commissioner of Education.  Superintendent Barry is in the second year of a three-year contract.  He has been the Aurora Public Schools’ Superintendent since 2006 and recently was selected as the Superintendent of the Year for Colorado.

Superintendent Barry is a tremendous leader.  Under his leadership, Aurora Public Schools has made achievement gains that have exceeded the state average. Our student proficiency rates have increased faster than that of the state and our growth rate is consistently above the state.

Our strategic plans, VISTA 2010 and VISTA 2015 have both been designed to increase student achievement and close achievement gaps.  It is because of his leadership that we have a clear roadmap for the future of our students.

We wish Superintendent Barry all the best as he goes through this process.  If he gets selected as Commissioner we all win.

Although Colorado law requires that the State Board of Education makes the names of finalists public for at least 14 days before a selection is made, in order to be proactive, on Tuesday, April 26, the APS Board of Education will hold an executive session with its legal counsel to discuss additional legal requirement that may apply to this matter.





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