Thursday, February 22, 2018

APS Board of Education Executive Session


February 22, 2018

WHAT: APS Board of Education Executive Session
WHEN: Thursday, March 8, 2018, 5:00-6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 East 1st Avenue, Aurora, CO 80011

Aurora Public Schools Board of Education Executive Session

On Thursday, March 8, 2018, the Aurora Public Schools Board of Education is expected to recess into executive session under the authority of C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b) to receive legal advice specifically related to the superintendent’s contract.

The executive session will be held from 5:00-6:00 p.m. in the Annex conference room at the APS Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 E. 1st Ave., Aurora, CO 80011.


Friday, February 16, 2018

APS Board of Education Executive Session


February 16, 2018

WHAT: APS Board of Education Executive Session
WHEN: Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 5:30-6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 East 1st Avenue, Aurora, CO 80011

Aurora Public Schools Board of Education Executive Session

On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, the Aurora Public Schools Board of Education is expected to recess into executive session under the authority of C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b), to receive legal advice specifically related to the superintendent’s contract.

The executive session will be held from 5:30-6:00 p.m. in the Annex conference room at the APS Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 E. 1st Ave., Aurora, CO 80011.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

APS Board of Education Retreat



February 15, 2018

WHAT: APS Board of Education Retreat
WHEN: April 10, 2018, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
WHERE: Pickens Technical College, 500 Airport Blvd, Aurora, CO 80011

Aurora Public Schools Board of Education Retreat

The Aurora Public Schools Board of Education will hold a Board Retreat on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.

The Retreat will be held in Conference Room A, in Building A at Pickens Technical College, 500 Airport Blvd., Aurora, CO 80011.  


Friday, February 9, 2018

Physical Educator Heads to US Capitol Hill to Advocate for Health & Physical Education

February 9, 2018

Physical Educator Heads to US Capitol Hill to Advocate for Health & Physical Education

SHAPE America Members Will Ask Congress to Fully Fund Title IV, Part A of ESSA

In response to serious threats of cuts to the federal funding of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Aurora health and physical educator Clayton Ellis from Mrachek Middle School is headed to Capitol Hill to advocate for full funding to support professional development for teachers and health and physical education programs in schools.

Ellis will be asking lawmakers to fully fund the federal education program Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants, under ESSA.

Ellis will join more than 150 fellow health and physical educators representing 42 states on Capitol Hill to take part in the SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators 11th annual member advocacy day, SPEAK Out! Day, on February 13-14.

When ESSA was passed in 2015, health and physical education were designated as part of a well-rounded education, making these subjects eligible for federal education funding for the first time. Under a new program, Title IV, Part A, schools will receive funding to support a well-rounded education, safe and healthy student programs, and effective use of technology. Despite Title IV, Part A being authorized at $1.65 billion dollars in ESSA, Congress only appropriated $400 million to support these vital programs for FY 2017. As Congress reconciles appropriations for FY 2018 and beyond, several proposals in Congress would also significantly underfund ESSA and put health and physical education at risk of not being able to thrive in schools.

“Under this block grant, we are going to be competing with many other subject areas and programs for financial support. We need to make sure that the pot of money is as large as possible to ensure that health and physical education programs will have the chance to access at least a portion of that funding,” says Ellis.

During these Capitol Hill meetings, teachers and advocates will offer insight and perspective on the negative impact of marginalizing health and physical education in schools. They will also share success stories and the links that exist between health, physical education, and academic achievement.

Last year Clayton Ellis received the SHAPE America Advocate of the Year Award. He states, “It is common knowledge that healthier students do a better job academically yet Colorado does not mandate any graduation requirements for health or physical education. Funding for Colorado schools is nearly the lowest in the country, so when funds get tight, the content areas that are not a priority are usually the first to get cut. Health and physical education standards include numerous soft skills that students need in order to successfully function in society for example; bully prevention, cooperation, problem solving, respect, responsibility, sportsmanship, teamwork. Colorado schools should be promoting healthy and active lifestyles through ESSA funding.”

SHAPE America’s Director, Public Policy and Advocacy Carly Wright says it is critical to fund Title IV, Part A at a meaningful level as many state’s ESSA plans address student wellness, physical education, or chronic absenteeism, which is often impacted by a student’s health and physical activity habits.

“As states help to guide school districts in fully implementing ESSA for the 2018-19 school year, we must ensure that they have sufficient funding to effectively enact programs that will support the state’s educational priorities,” says Wright. “In turn, we are also laser-focused on ensuring that health and physical education are on top of state’s priority lists.”

In addition to pushing for full funding for Title IV, Part A, advocates will also ask Congress to support continued funding for Title II, Part A, which supports professional development for all school employees, including for health and physical education programs.

Effective health and physical education are the cornerstones to preparing students to lead active, healthy lives, which is SHAPE America’s national commitment called 50 Million Strong by 2029.

For more event details, visit SPEAK Out! Day. Find updates during the two-day event by following @SHAPE_America and #MoreTitleIV on Twitter.

About SHAPE America
SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators is committed to ensuring all children have the opportunity to lead healthy, physically active lives. As the nation's largest membership organization of health and physical education professionals, SHAPE America works with its 50 state affiliates and national partners to support initiatives such as the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, Let's Move! Active Schools (now Active Schools) and the Jump Rope For Heart/Hoops For Heart programs.

Since its founding in 1885, the organization has defined excellence in physical education, and our resources provide the leadership, professional development and advocacy that support health and physical educators at every level - from preschool to university graduate programs. For more information, visit


Interested media may contact APS Public Information Officer
Corey Christiansen at 303.326.2755 for more information

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

171 Colorado Superintendents Host a Press Conference on Their Proposed Legislation to Update the School Finance Formula

February 7, 2018

WHAT: Colorado Superintendents’ Modernized School Finance Formula Bill
WHEN: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: Dora Moore Elementary School, 846 Corona St, Denver CO 80218

171 Colorado Superintendents Representing 93% of Colorado’s Public School Students Host a Press Conference on Their Proposed Legislation to Update the School Finance Formula

Colorado Superintendents are hosting a press conference on Wednesday, February 7, at Dora Moore Elementary School (846 Corona St, Denver CO 80218) at 11:30am. Joined by parent and community leaders, the superintendents will explain the background and objectives behind their new school funding formula bill introduced last week in the Colorado House of Representatives.

The event is designed especially for education reporters, members of the press and community members to learn more about a new, more equitable school finance formula that would serve Colorado’s 900,000 students.

The proposed legislation has no impact to the General Fund. It does, however, provide a roadmap for providing a more fair and adequate level of funding with the goal of preparing every Colorado student for success in career, college and life. The new formula ensures that all districts receive additional funding to support current academic standards and accountability systems. In addition, it creates a more student-centric distribution formula.

"It's about equity and adequacy, not in the sense of dollar-for-dollar, but similar opportunities for every student," said Glenn McClain, superintendent of Platte Valley Re-7 School District in Kersey and one of the drivers behind the plan.
Presentations will take 20 minutes followed by an opportunity for questions. Press will have access to presenters and other superintendents who are present for this announcement for any specific questions or interviews.


Interested media may contact Mapleton Public Schools Superintendent
Charlotte Ciancio at 303.853.1020 for more information

Friday, February 2, 2018

APS to Open New STEM School On World-Class Medical Campus

February 1, 2018

APS to Open New STEM School On World-Class Medical Campus

Students in Aurora Public Schools will soon have the unique opportunity to learn and work on a world-class medical campus. APS is announcing the new location of a grades 6-12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) school on the Fitzsimons Innovation Campus in partnership with the Denver School of Science and Technology.

The new school will provide APS students with a nationally-renowned STEM program. Thanks to its proximity to the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, students will also have increased access to internships, externships and job-shadowing opportunities.

“APS is a district of momentum, opportunity and impact,” said APS Superintendent Rico Munn. “We are eager to help grow the next generation of APS doctors, researchers and medical professionals who will be inspired to learn, work and give back to our community.”

The school is scheduled to open during the 2019-20 school year to sixth-grade students. A new grade will be added each subsequent year. Students living in northwest Aurora will be given preference for enrollment. Then, enrollment will open up to other APS students.

One of the core beliefs of the APS strategic plan, APS 2020, is that community partnerships provide vital resources and opportunities for students and families. APS is pleased to deepen its partnership with the Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority and the Anschutz Community Campus Partnership.


Interested media may contact APS Public Information Officer
Corey Christiansen at 303.326.2755 for more information