Wednesday, December 18, 2013

APS Board of Education Approves Recommendation to Address School Capacity Challenges


December 18, 2013

APS Board of Education Approves Recommendation to Address School Capacity Challenges

The APS Board of Education approved a recommendation to address facility challenges that the district is anticipating due to continued enrollment growth and overcrowding at elementary and P-8 schools at the December 17 meeting. Board members JulieMarie Shepherd, Dan Jorgensen, Mary Lewis, Amber Drevon, Eric Nelson and Barbara Yamrick voted in favor of the recommendation, and Board member Cathy Wildman voted against it.

As part of a detailed enrollment vs. capacity study, APS reviewed eight options to address capacity challenges. Options included utilizing more mobile classrooms, changing attendance area boundaries and adopting year-round calendars. The approved recommendation includes a combination of new construction, additional mobile classrooms and strategic boundary adjustments to alleviate overcrowding at several schools. Specific elements are:

  • Design and construct a new large P-8 school on the APS Community Campus near 6th Avenue and Buckley Road.
  • Form an attendance area review committee that will develop and recommend boundary adjustments for the new P-8 school and other schools, as needed.
  • Transfer approximately $2.2M of the remaining bond savings into the mobile account to address enrollment capacity challenges district-wide through 2016.
  • Reallocate approximately $2.4 million in bond funds originally approved for the Mrachek Middle School kitchen/cafeteria addition to design a new middle school building.
  • Purchase two 8-classroom mobiles with bathrooms for Mrachek Middle School and relocate the seven 2-classroom mobiles currently at Mrachek to overcrowded schools.

The new P-8 school will serve up to 926 P-8 students and will open in August 2015. The school will be funded with Certificate of Participation (COP) dollars, a lease financing mechanism that APS and several other metro school districts have used in the past to fund school construction.

Prior to the board’s decision, APS shared enrollment growth and capacity information with several stakeholder groups, including parents, staff and district committees. APS also held community meetings to present information and obtain feedback to incorporate into the decision-making process.

To view information about enrollment growth and school capacity, visit



Interested media may contact APS News Media Specialist 
Paula Hans at 303.326.2755






Monday, December 2, 2013

APS Board of Education to Consider School Capacity Proposal


December 2, 2013

APS Board of Education to Consider School Capacity Proposal

Since 2008, Aurora Public Schools has experienced steady enrollment growth, especially at elementary and P-8 schools. Based on projected enrollment growth over the next four years, APS is anticipating facility challenges due to overcrowded schools. As a result, the district has considered several options to address enrollment growth, with a focus on schools near the E-470 corridor.

After carefully considering eight options, the APS Leadership Team is recommending a combination of new construction, additional mobile classrooms and strategic boundary adjustments to address capacity challenges.

APS has obtained feedback on the proposal from several stakeholder groups, including staff, parents and district committees.

The APS Board of Education will consider enrollment growth and school capacity information on the following dates:

December 3            Questions and answers, public comments
December 17          Direction on next steps

Board meetings are held at 6 p.m. in the Dr. Ed Lord and Patricia Lord Board Room, Educational Services Center 4, 1085 Peoria Street.

To view information about enrollment growth and school capacity, visit



Interested media may contact APS News Media Specialist 
Paula Hans at 303.326.2755






APS Board of Education Votes Verified


December 2, 2013

APS Board of Education Votes Verified

Election officials in Adams and Arapahoe counties have verified the votes in the APS Board of Education election. Voters selected Amber Drevon, Eric Nelson and Barbara Yamrick to join the APS board. Voters also re-elected JulieMarie Shepherd for a second term.

The new board members will be sworn in during the regular meeting on Tuesday, December 3 at 6 p.m.


Interested media may contact APS News Media Specialist 
Paula Hans at 303.326.2755